Tuesday 20 June 2017

HOME AUTOMATION: Voice control with Google Home + IFTTT + myopenHAB

Recently I purchased a Google Home Assistant and it's been a lot of fun to play with the native features like shopping lists, reminds and Chromecast control I was really excited to dig in to getting the Home Assistant tied in to my openHAB setup. While the HA does not native support openHAB, it does support IFTTT and now openHAB also has added support for IFTTT through myopenHAB.
I followed the steps below to get my setup working.

Install the "openHAB Cloud Connector" Add-on

I've already covered this in a previous post, make sure myopenHAB is set up correctly and ensure you have exposed the items you want to connect with your HA.

Note: I've seen it take up to 36 hours for settings updated from the cloud connect plugin to appear in the IFTTT actions menu

IFTTT Integration

Register for IFTTT and create a custom applet by selecting the "My Applets" link

IFTTT home page

Create a new applet and click on the blue "+ this" button. This was confusing to me at first because I don't think it looks much like a link/button.

Select "New Applet"

Click the "+ this" button

Filter the available connections by typing "google" and select the "Google Assistant" service.
There are a number of options to choose from with the Google Assistant service, the simplest applet would use the "Say a simple phrase" function.

It's important to think about the various ways you might want to say the command you wish to execute. I've had to change a number of my applets because what I thought was natural when making the applet didn't roll off the tongue when I was sitting on the couch.

Next thing to do is to set the "that" part of IFTTT by clicking the "+ that" button and filtering the services for openHAB. Once the openHAB service is selected there is only one action, so no place to go wrong here.

Now select the item that was exposed through the openhab Cloud Connector Add-on. Once again, if your items aren't showing up you may need to give it more time to be updated. I've seen it take up t 36 hours.

That's it! Finish off the applet creation, give it a few seconds and test it out.

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