I found a Windows solution in the way of DISKPART that got the job done.
How to use DISKPART
- Open a new command window by either searching for "cmd" from the windows menu or pressing the windows key and 'r' and running the command "cmd" and hit enter
- Enter the command "DISKPART" and another command window will be opened
- In the new window type "LIST DISK" and hit enter
- Select the correct disk from the list with the command "SELECT DISK #" replacing the # with the drive number of the SD card. Make sure you get this right or you could ruin your windows installation!
- Enter the command "CLEAN" to clear the partition table
- Enter the command "CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY" to reallocate the cleaned space as the primary partition
- Enter the command "FORMAT FS=FAT32 QUICK" to reformat the SD card
Optionally you can use the command "ASSIGN" to reassign a drive letter to the SD card.